
Former Boss/Owner still has not paid me, but claims I owe $2,550

This is a doozy, and I'm still really pissed off about it. Before I continue this story, I did contact the labor department for the state this occured in. This state just sucks for workers rights and it may take months for me to get what I'm owed So! I recently moved states due to unexpected circumstances, and had to quit my job. I sent in an email saying that I would be resigning as of that day, and was pretty sure that would be the end of it. Now, I'm also going to preface this with the state I lived in and had this job I'm referring to in is a At-Will state. I never signed anything other than my I-9, and did not sign anything digitally. Also, this boss/owner was shady with money. The applications on Indeed and such advertised as $15/hour, and then at the interview it…

This is a doozy, and I'm still really pissed off about it.

Before I continue this story, I did contact the labor department for the state this occured in. This state just sucks for workers rights and it may take months for me to get what I'm owed

I recently moved states due to unexpected circumstances, and had to quit my job. I sent in an email saying that I would be resigning as of that day, and was pretty sure that would be the end of it.

Now, I'm also going to preface this with the state I lived in and had this job I'm referring to in is a At-Will state.

I never signed anything other than my I-9, and did not sign anything digitally.

Also, this boss/owner was shady with money. The applications on Indeed and such advertised as $15/hour, and then at the interview it was $10 an hour during training. I later learned it was $10 during training, $13 for some mastery, and $15 much later and after a conversation with the owner. He also employed his kids there, which I should've found as a red flag from the get go.

Story Time

My old boss/owner of the company decides that he's not going to give me my final paycheck. I try to call in and see why my paycheck is not coming in, why the paystub isn't even showing online, all that.

The boss/owner of this establishment blocks my number from the business and his personal cell phone. (Which I mean, you took time out of your day to block my number from your business.)
I send emails, I call, send texts. Nothing. It's radio silence.

Well I'm already in another state at this point and there's not too much I can do. I have a family member reach out for me (very politely. Just asking where my paycheck is and why I haven't received it).

This guy decided that because I “refused to show up for shifts” (I missed 1, the one the day I resigned), “got free uses of the establishment” (literally training, not even like enjoyment, but training so that I'm able to do the things that are requested of me), and that I “did not stay the minimum commitment term.”

I was not made aware of any commitment term, I was just training so that I could literally do my job, and as for shift I “missed”; I sent in the email with my resignation a good bit before that shift.

The $2,550 is apparently what “I owe them” for getting to train, causing them an “emergency staffing situation” since they had “no prior knowledge of me moving” (Which to be fair on this, they didn't. But as an At-Will state, I figured it would be easy to just work this job until I moved. I was planning on moving, it just happened sooner than I would've expected.)

He owes me just about $300. Literally. That's it.
I have no clue why this a-hole is just making life difficult over $300. He makes more than that in a weekend.

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