
Reported predatory CEO to HR – now what?

Please refer to my previous post! I’ve reported my predatory CEO to HR after he made repeated sexual advances towards me and I rejected him. CEO issued me with a “warning” this week following claiming that my work performance was not up to scratch. Total bollocks as I’ve had a bonus and received numerous emails from staff from other departments praising his department. In an email I wrote to HR saying his actions left me with no choice but to come forward as I feel that this is retaliation. We now have a meeting on Monday. Found out HR is friends with his wife so hopefully she might find out! How best to prepare for this?

Please refer to my previous post! I’ve reported my predatory CEO to HR after he made repeated sexual advances towards me and I rejected him.

CEO issued me with a “warning” this week following claiming that my work performance was not up to scratch. Total bollocks as I’ve had a bonus and received numerous emails from staff from other departments praising his department.

In an email I wrote to HR saying his actions left me with no choice but to come forward as I feel that this is retaliation. We now have a meeting on Monday.

Found out HR is friends with his wife so hopefully she might find out! How best to prepare for this?

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