
Being detained at work

I took a really weird job a year ago with a foreign mining company contracted to help the mining company I left after ten years. The company provides hotel rooms and flights on their dime, it's really not a bad gig if you don't mind traveling and high elevation. We all drive a van 20 minutes between the job site and the hotel. On a couple occasions while trying to leave they dropped a steel gate in front of us so we could not leave. Their reason was a on site emergency that could be anything from someone rolling their ankle to someone being run over by a giant truck. They just kept us there, sitting for an hour. I was tired, not being paid and just wanting to leave. I don't like being told I can't leave by anyone, if I was in the driver's seat I might have…

I took a really weird job a year ago with a foreign mining company contracted to help the mining company I left after ten years. The company provides hotel rooms and flights on their dime, it's really not a bad gig if you don't mind traveling and high elevation.

We all drive a van 20 minutes between the job site and the hotel. On a couple occasions while trying to leave they dropped a steel gate in front of us so we could not leave. Their reason was a on site emergency that could be anything from someone rolling their ankle to someone being run over by a giant truck.

They just kept us there, sitting for an hour. I was tired, not being paid and just wanting to leave. I don't like being told I can't leave by anyone, if I was in the driver's seat I might have plowed through their dumbass gate.

I've never worked anywhere that would not let you leave, am I over reacting to this?

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