
The company I work for is being liquidated.

Showed up to my warehouse job yesterday to find out I’ll have a job until April (at best). We were recently passed from one mega corporation to a slightly smaller mega corporation and according to how they do business, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, we’ve joked about this kind of thing happening for years, but wow. So many emotions. 8 years down the drain. I’m in my early 30’s (male) now and have no degree or relevant experience that will actually get me somewhere. On top of it, I just got the ball rolling on a nasty divorce where I was abused (it still makes me sick acknowledging that). I just moved in with my parents, who are completely destitute themselves. I have no idea what I’m going to do. This company felt like my only way into something bigger. I was offered an INSANE promotion back…

Showed up to my warehouse job yesterday to find out I’ll have a job until April (at best). We were recently passed from one mega corporation to a slightly smaller mega corporation and according to how they do business, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, we’ve joked about this kind of thing happening for years, but wow. So many emotions.

8 years down the drain. I’m in my early 30’s (male) now and have no degree or relevant experience that will actually get me somewhere.

On top of it, I just got the ball rolling on a nasty divorce where I was abused (it still makes me sick acknowledging that). I just moved in with my parents, who are completely destitute themselves.

I have no idea what I’m going to do. This company felt like my only way into something bigger. I was offered an INSANE promotion back in 2019 (from warehouse to VIP Sales!) but I had a minor medical procedure scheduled at the time that wound up being botched and I wasn’t able to accept the promotion due to the length of my recovery time.

Needless to say, this was a truly awful experience. Now it’s beginning to feel concrete that I’ll never get another opportunity like that again.

What is it going to take for the working class of the United States to finally rise up and do something about the way we’re treated? Will the masses stay content as long as they have water, electricity, fast food, and internet?

I don’t mean to generalize, but come on. It’s not like this is the first time in my life I’ve felt used. Thrown out like garbage. I’m getting too old for this. I want to say enough is enough, but who do I even say it to? Who’s listening? Anyone?

I don’t even know the point of this post, either. Maybe just to rant? It’s certainly doesn’t feel like anyone wants to hear a 30 something year old white guy complain about his problems and I get it, but my life was never supposed to turn out like this. I have nothing.

Where is my American Dream?

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