
The drug market might be the only thing to save us.

With the economy being as it is here in the US it seems as tho, from what ive seen, drug dealers are making pretty good money right now, may it be illegal, theyre the ones with jobs still. I started thinking about this when i was watching Shameless US. Theres this scene where a character dies and she leaves her kids with a pound of meth each. Which i thought was a pretty good idea cuz drugs dont really depreciate in value. Depending on the drug of course. Cannabis prices fluctuate depending on if ur state is legal or not. Benzodiazepines have increased in price due to strict doctors. Opioids have gotten cheaper only because the Herion/opium poppy trade died due to Fentanyl taking its place yet demand for these substances has done nothing but skyrocket Usually copanies have to update or upgrade their products for years for their customers…

With the economy being as it is here in the US it seems as tho, from what ive seen, drug dealers are making pretty good money right now, may it be illegal, theyre the ones with jobs still.

I started thinking about this when i was watching Shameless US. Theres this scene where a character dies and she leaves her kids with a pound of meth each. Which i thought was a pretty good idea cuz drugs dont really depreciate in value.

Depending on the drug of course. Cannabis prices fluctuate depending on if ur state is legal or not. Benzodiazepines have increased in price due to strict doctors. Opioids have gotten cheaper only because the Herion/opium poppy trade died due to Fentanyl taking its place yet demand for these substances has done nothing but skyrocket

Usually copanies have to update or upgrade their products for years for their customers to stick with them. If theres less of a product but demand is high, price goes up. If theres an abundancy of said product, price will drop.

Drugs dont follow this tho. A drug dealer who has an abundancy of coke will still get customers. Just as the mf whose whipping that eight ball into a Q of crack to flip back and double profit. Demand doesnt go down in the drug market. When someone ODs off a good bag, the locals ask where they got it from so they could have some.

Im not advocating for drug dealing. But with all the stories ive seen on here im surprised some of yall havent gone full scar face yet like fr. If there are any plugs or dealers in this sub, how has business been since the economy took a big watery shit on all of us ?

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