
Did I do something wrong?

I (27f) work at a tanning salon that’s family run and pays minimum wage($10.10). It’s only 3 days a week but I pick up shifts here and there. This week I went to wash the towels and the knob on the dryer broke. I called her and told her the issue and she was livid. I had a few hours left of my shift so I took apart the back of the dryer to see if I could fix it or to see what parts it would need to be fixed. I have a some basic knowledge of trades so I didn’t think it would be a big deal. I got it so we could run the dryer but would need to turn the timer gear at the source then I text my boss the part number she would need to order. Today I came in to signs all over…

I (27f) work at a tanning salon that’s family run and pays minimum wage($10.10). It’s only 3 days a week but I pick up shifts here and there. This week I went to wash the towels and the knob on the dryer broke. I called her and told her the issue and she was livid. I had a few hours left of my shift so I took apart the back of the dryer to see if I could fix it or to see what parts it would need to be fixed. I have a some basic knowledge of trades so I didn’t think it would be a big deal. I got it so we could run the dryer but would need to turn the timer gear at the source then I text my boss the part number she would need to order. Today I came in to signs all over the dryer to not touch it. My boss sends me a text that I should not have touched the dryer even though the instructions she put there for us to run it is exactly what I told her we need to do until the part came in. She also ordered the exact part I said it needed. I’m so confused why she would be mad since I saved her money by doing it myself rather than paying someone to come in?

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