
What’s even the point?

I just need to vent, I've just been turned down for a part time sales associate position at a retail store. I've been applying everywhere to get a second job so I can y'know afford to put some food on my table and maybe have some extra money. I thought I'd ask why, so I could maybe improve myself in my future job interviews.I just been told it's because they're looking for someone with more experience and more flexible hours. I have over 5 years of experience in retail, most of it in manager positions. And now I'm getting told I lack experience for a Part Time basic sales associate position? What more experience do I need??? I'm so discouraged and frustrated.

I just need to vent, I've just been turned down for a part time sales associate position at a retail store. I've been applying everywhere to get a second job so I can y'know afford to put some food on my table and maybe have some extra money. I thought I'd ask why, so I could maybe improve myself in my future job interviews.I just been told it's because they're looking for someone with more experience and more flexible hours. I have over 5 years of experience in retail, most of it in manager positions. And now I'm getting told I lack experience for a Part Time basic sales associate position? What more experience do I need??? I'm so discouraged and frustrated.

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