
Possibly Targeted

I have been working full time at a warehouse in Ontario for almost three years now. The first 2 years, I never had an issue with management, no warnings, and no infractions. In February, they tried to get my group to sign a form saying we would work stat holidays for our rate of pay plus 4 dollars an hour instead of time and a half. I did not sign the form, and they contacted me four times to try and sign it. Ever since this has happened, I have gotten the odd verbal warning and was recently called into my managers office to discuss length of washroom time/ gaps in productivity. I have been on a medication that makes me go to the washroom for the last 6 months and I have provided a doctors note. There have recently been talks of a union and I suspect they think…

I have been working full time at a warehouse in Ontario for almost three years now. The first 2 years, I never had an issue with management, no warnings, and no infractions. In February, they tried to get my group to sign a form saying we would work stat holidays for our rate of pay plus 4 dollars an hour instead of time and a half. I did not sign the form, and they contacted me four times to try and sign it.

Ever since this has happened, I have gotten the odd verbal warning and was recently called into my managers office to discuss length of washroom time/ gaps in productivity. I have been on a medication that makes me go to the washroom for the last 6 months and I have provided a doctors note. There have recently been talks of a union and I suspect they think I am for it( i'm neutral).

I feel like I am being targeted and have started taking notes about my encounters with supervisors/management. Cronyism/nepotism runs rampant there and disciplinary action is not equal across the board. There are consistent examples of time theft that are not addressed by supervisors(I have been making a note of specific examples)

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