
Contract offer has some ridiculous terms

Just made a throwaway for this. I recently applied for a relatively low level tour job in a major city on the east coast of the US. I was interviewed and received a contract to sign, however some of these clauses are ridiculous. First as a contractor I get paid $25 per (3 hour) tour and an additional $25 as a bonus that accrues and that I can cash out once every three months. If I am in “breach” of my contract – ie if I quit without 30 days notice – I forfeit all my bonus payments. Another breach of contract is if I am unavailable to work on 24 hours notice even after I've set my monthly availability. So any travel risks me losing half of my meager income and quitting pretty much guarantees this. It sucks cause it seemed like an interesting side job but I can't…

Just made a throwaway for this. I recently applied for a relatively low level tour job in a major city on the east coast of the US. I was interviewed and received a contract to sign, however some of these clauses are ridiculous.

First as a contractor I get paid $25 per (3 hour) tour and an additional $25 as a bonus that accrues and that I can cash out once every three months. If I am in “breach” of my contract – ie if I quit without 30 days notice – I forfeit all my bonus payments. Another breach of contract is if I am unavailable to work on 24 hours notice even after I've set my monthly availability. So any travel risks me losing half of my meager income and quitting pretty much guarantees this. It sucks cause it seemed like an interesting side job but I can't bring myself to sign this bs. Fuck capitalism and fuck independent contracting.

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