
Middle Managers Burning Out?

Alright this is probably me being petty since I've had only two good middle managers (MM) out of a shit storm of jerkoff MM. And if you think so I'm open to hearing it (provided you are polite). But- Cry me a river here: Most MM have been bootlickers for their corporate overlords, who participated in several gas-lighring efforts to tell their labourers that they don't deserve raises; that it's not the economy but employees being bad; MM who were all too willing to lay their people off in a heart beat while telling the rest “oh but we're so like family here!” And if COURSE these MM were willing to do that. They thought they were “safe” and were never going to be treated like the peons. But now I think MM are seeing that their just at risk as the rest of us. That the corporate overlords…

Alright this is probably me being petty since I've had only two good middle managers (MM) out of a shit storm of jerkoff MM. And if you think so I'm open to hearing it (provided you are polite). But-

Cry me a river here:

Most MM have been bootlickers for their corporate overlords, who participated in several gas-lighring efforts to tell their labourers that they don't deserve raises; that it's not the economy but employees being bad; MM who were all too willing to lay their people off in a heart beat while telling the rest “oh but we're so like family here!” And if COURSE these MM were willing to do that. They thought they were “safe” and were never going to be treated like the peons.

But now I think MM are seeing that their just at risk as the rest of us. That the corporate overlords don't give a crap about them either, and are willing to abuse them as hard as the peons. I also suspect that the corporate overlords are going to eventually dissolve all MM positions, and stick those people into the same bottom-level labourer goulag as the rest of us. This is just the beginning! But I don't feel sorry for most MM since most of them were more than happy to prop up this system since the 2008 recessions and onward, by laying off their staff and then complaining that it's the employees fault for not working hard enough…

But again. I might just be bitter.

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