
Why is it bad to not want more/be more

I often get criticized by family that I don’t “do more with my life” and don’t have “goals”. They think I will be very sad when I’m in my 40s because I don’t invest in “my career”. I’m 27, I work part time, earn enough money to put away 100$ a month into savings. I was a nurse for 5 years, I left the field because it made me miserable and I have been working a warehouse job for 2 years now. I’m very happy with my job and coworkers, we have a fun time working together and I genuinely enjoy the repetitive work and don’t need a gym membership because I get exercise during the job. I can listen to music and audiobooks. Also I can take home a lot of food for free. I have a very stable and happy relationship with my partner who I live with.…

I often get criticized by family that I don’t “do more with my life” and don’t have “goals”. They think I will be very sad when I’m in my 40s because I don’t invest in “my career”.

I’m 27, I work part time, earn enough money to put away 100$ a month into savings. I was a nurse for 5 years, I left the field because it made me miserable and I have been working a warehouse job for 2 years now. I’m very happy with my job and coworkers, we have a fun time working together and I genuinely enjoy the repetitive work and don’t need a gym membership because I get exercise during the job. I can listen to music and audiobooks. Also I can take home a lot of food for free.
I have a very stable and happy relationship with my partner who I live with. I see my 3 friends every other week and don’t feel the need for more social activities or more friends. I don’t want to buy a house because I don’t want to slave away to pay off a house for the next 30 years. I don’t want children, neither does my partner. I’m a happy and involved aunt to my best friends son and I genuinely love him but wouldn’t trade with my friend ever. I have hobbies that don’t cost much and if I was locked away for years with them I’d still be very content with life.

I can see myself living this way until I die.

Is there something wrong with the way I live? Family thinks I’m just depressed and that’s why I don’t long for things. But I WAS depressed for years until I, imo, broke free from all these expectations – the hustle, career, family, buying a house, doing more, traveling more etc. I simply don’t give a shit about any of this. Why does my family think I’m a loser when from my point of view I’m the only person I know who enjoys almost every day of life exactly as I want to?

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