
Do you also feel stressed constantly?

I just need to vent for a seconds I hope this fits the sub enough to be kept up. Every single day I go to work I feel huge waves of panic and stress. I can't get over the sickening feeling that not only is working like this day in and day out is killing me, but I feel that no human really wants to be doing this, yet we all pretend that it's the way things are supposed to go. Sunday nights and Monday mornings are the absolute worst for me, I feel physically ill and want so badly to run away from it all with my partner. The real kicker? This job is the best paying and least physically demanding I've ever had, but money only goes so far when a third of your life has to be spent in a place you hate, doing tasks you know…

I just need to vent for a seconds I hope this fits the sub enough to be kept up.
Every single day I go to work I feel huge waves of panic and stress. I can't get over the sickening feeling that not only is working like this day in and day out is killing me, but I feel that no human really wants to be doing this, yet we all pretend that it's the way things are supposed to go. Sunday nights and Monday mornings are the absolute worst for me, I feel physically ill and want so badly to run away from it all with my partner. The real kicker? This job is the best paying and least physically demanding I've ever had, but money only goes so far when a third of your life has to be spent in a place you hate, doing tasks you know really mean absolutely nothing. I just want to know if anyone else also feels this way ? I hope not but I know that it's likely more common than anyone let's on. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I don't want anyone to think that I want to just sit around lazily, I just wish that the jobs I wanted paid the bills and afforded me the future I feel I deserve.

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