
Speed running feeling exploited by a job before I even start

I have a good job, remote, making decent money in a HCOL area. It’s a high-stress, fast-paced agency but I only work 40 hrs/week, have incredible PTO and benefits, and I don’t have to go in to work. I’ve kept feelers out for a job that would align more with my personal goals and interests, but I’ll be the first to admit I’m in a privileged position that I do not NEED a new job. I interviewed with a startup whose mission I admired, women’s empowerment, but was shocked to be offered less than what I currently make for longer hours and less PTO. While it’s only $6k less, I would effectively be taking a $20/hr pay cut after factoring in working hours and PTO. And that’s not even counting driving and parking costs to commute into the city one day a week. I thought the point of working at…

I have a good job, remote, making decent money in a HCOL area. It’s a high-stress, fast-paced agency but I only work 40 hrs/week, have incredible PTO and benefits, and I don’t have to go in to work. I’ve kept feelers out for a job that would align more with my personal goals and interests, but I’ll be the first to admit I’m in a privileged position that I do not NEED a new job.

I interviewed with a startup whose mission I admired, women’s empowerment, but was shocked to be offered less than what I currently make for longer hours and less PTO. While it’s only $6k less, I would effectively be taking a $20/hr pay cut after factoring in working hours and PTO. And that’s not even counting driving and parking costs to commute into the city one day a week.

I thought the point of working at startups was that the work was hard, but the money was good? I feel like this company is exploiting women’s passion in order to profit – this is a desireable position because of the company mission, and they’re using that to pay less than market value and demand long work hours. And specifically it’s taking advantage of women because they’re the most likely to take a pay cut for a role that claims to help support women – plus their entire team on the website is women. That is obviously not their intent, but that’s the result of them trying to get away with paying less and expecting more. They’re not even a nonprofit so it’s not like they’re hurting for capital, they’re backed by some big names. Luckily I had an interview with the “executive advisor” and told her all of these issues, I’m hoping she takes my words to heart and it makes some small change for their employees.

I’m so frustrated with working in America, my job has what would be basic benefits in any other country and I am LUCKY to get them here. And instead of reacting to workers plight by offering fair compensation, companies think they can get away with less and less because people are desperate. It’s disheartening.

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