
9-25 “Nine-to-five” Day

This might already be “a thing” I'm not sure, but I just saw it today. In case it's not, the idea is: start a movement of making this date (9/25) Nine-to-five Day!! The calendar year needs more than one May Day per year to bring visibility to the plights of workers. (And let's face it, who doesn't love the song?) Wish I'd come across this idea last year; I'd have really pushed for it since this year we've got multiple major strikes and that stupid handful in congress is about to let the fed govt shut down which will f*ck a whole lot of people. Next year, perhaps? Tell a friend!

This might already be “a thing” I'm not sure, but I just saw it today. In case it's not, the idea is: start a movement of making this date (9/25) Nine-to-five Day!! The calendar year needs more than one May Day per year to bring visibility to the plights of workers. (And let's face it, who doesn't love the song?) Wish I'd come across this idea last year; I'd have really pushed for it since this year we've got multiple major strikes and that stupid handful in congress is about to let the fed govt shut down which will f*ck a whole lot of people.

Next year, perhaps? Tell a friend!

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