
How do I get people to stop comparing me to my predecessor?

Hey all! I just graduated college, and I got a job where I took over for someone who was in the role for 25+ years. This person did things the way they preferred… it didn’t always follow the rules and bent over backwards for everyone. Now that I’m fully transitioned into the role, how are frequent customers keep reminding me of how my predecessor used to do things. “Well he used to do it like this” or “He would do this for me!” or “Why would you change this?”. I was fine until today, someone introduced me as him AND after that, someone told me I created chaos by changing everything since he left. How do I stand my ground without insulting anyone?

Hey all! I just graduated college, and I got a job where I took over for someone who was in the role for 25+ years. This person did things the way they preferred… it didn’t always follow the rules and bent over backwards for everyone. Now that I’m fully transitioned into the role, how are frequent customers keep reminding me of how my predecessor used to do things. “Well he used to do it like this” or “He would do this for me!” or “Why would you change this?”. I was fine until today, someone introduced me as him AND after that, someone told me I created chaos by changing everything since he left. How do I stand my ground without insulting anyone?

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