
My SO has had her boss want her to fill out a form about her disabilities

For reference, she's a substance abuse counselor at a facility. Recently, she's struggled a bit more than usual with anxiety/stress, cried a couple of times at work, and was late (5-10 minutes) a few times last month. Her boss, today, asked her to fill out a form with the title “Reporting an absence or disability” with the Gateway and Prudential company names on the front, and a phone number to report them inside the folder. Her boss said that someone was expecting her to fill it out/or call those people by end of the day. Is there anyway for this to be used against her? She has been struggling, and those late marks can't look good for her, but would acknowledging her depression/anxiety (especially given her field) come back to hurt her in anyway? Or could it help? I can provide more info

For reference, she's a substance abuse counselor at a facility. Recently, she's struggled a bit more than usual with anxiety/stress, cried a couple of times at work, and was late (5-10 minutes) a few times last month.

Her boss, today, asked her to fill out a form with the title “Reporting an absence or disability” with the Gateway and Prudential company names on the front, and a phone number to report them inside the folder. Her boss said that someone was expecting her to fill it out/or call those people by end of the day.

Is there anyway for this to be used against her? She has been struggling, and those late marks can't look good for her, but would acknowledging her depression/anxiety (especially given her field) come back to hurt her in anyway? Or could it help?

I can provide more info

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