
is this worth quitting my job over?

for context, i am 21 years old and i work as a dishwasher at a local restaurant in my area. i've been working there for about a month. for the past two weeks, our pay (especially mine) has been really late. I get that managers have other stuff to do and they can't always get to everything right away (especially because we're local and therefore don't have a big team), but I'm afraid that this is a pretty good indicator that this is going to keep happening in the future, and as someone who desperately needs the money to move out, I don't know if it's something I want to keep dealing with. for example, this started 11 days ago (September 15th) when my direct deposit that was supposed to come on Thursday didn't end up coming at all, and it turns out that it was only affecting me because…

for context, i am 21 years old and i work as a dishwasher at a local restaurant in my area. i've been working there for about a month.

for the past two weeks, our pay (especially mine) has been really late. I get that managers have other stuff to do and they can't always get to everything right away (especially because we're local and therefore don't have a big team), but I'm afraid that this is a pretty good indicator that this is going to keep happening in the future, and as someone who desperately needs the money to move out, I don't know if it's something I want to keep dealing with.

for example, this started 11 days ago (September 15th) when my direct deposit that was supposed to come on Thursday didn't end up coming at all, and it turns out that it was only affecting me because there was an “error” submitting my information into the payroll. my boss admittedly did give me cash to cover it (on September 20th), and it's gonna be taken out of my next paycheck (which I'm fine with, and I am very much grateful and thankful that he did that frfr) but it was still very inconvenient nonetheless because I wasn't able to go out on my birthday with my friends since I didn't have money. I didn't blame my boss though because mistakes happen.

now, here's where I'm very conflicted if I should be pissed off about it or not. last Wednesday (September 20th) my boss texted us and told us that we were going to be closed for the week because three people tested positive for COVID. fine. however, the same night, he texted us telling us that payroll might be delayed again until next Tuesday (September 26th). not sure if it's related to the restaurant closing down, but either way, it's annoying. I feel like I shouldn't be mad about it because having to close the restaurant probably a LOT of stuff had to get done and he couldn't get to payroll right away, which I get, but… I can't say I'm not a bit frustrated. if this was the first time it's happened, I'd get it, but this is the second time it's happened to me and the first time it's happened to everyone else.

not sure if it's worth quitting over or not, so I could really use some insight from all you lovely people.

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