
Management now has mandated hours

Before I started working at my job it was stated that we would have flexibility on the hours we work as long we completed 40 or more hours a week and attended all expected meetings. For me, this was a big draw throughout the recruiting and interview process. I have only worked there for a couple months now, but everyone seems pretty upset by this change. However, recently they stated it will be expected that we are at work from 9-5. There are no working hours specified in my employment contract, just 40 hours a week. I am really annoyed by this change as I enjoyed the flexibility it gave me, does anyone know if they can actually enforce this??

Before I started working at my job it was stated that we would have flexibility on the hours we work as long we completed 40 or more hours a week and attended all expected meetings. For me, this was a big draw throughout the recruiting and interview process. I have only worked there for a couple months now, but everyone seems pretty upset by this change. However, recently they stated it will be expected that we are at work from 9-5. There are no working hours specified in my employment contract, just 40 hours a week. I am really annoyed by this change as I enjoyed the flexibility it gave me, does anyone know if they can actually enforce this??

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