
Feeling bad for not liking my job

Hi everyone, I am an elementary school counselor and I'm not really happy at my job. I don't hate it, but I definitely know that it's not for me. I did my school counseling practicum at a high school, and I loved it. I felt so fulfilled during my time there. Unfortunately, they aren't hiring right now. I thought that I would be fine with elementary as I knew that I had the patience and skill to handle the responsibility but now, I just feel so unhappy. I can't help but compare high school counseling with elementary and I find myself missing working with older students. I feel guilty feeling this because all the students and staff love having me around. As a matter of fact, nothing is really wrong with my job. Pay is decent. The teachers, staff, and my fellow counselor are all kind and welcoming. I am…

Hi everyone, I am an elementary school counselor and I'm not really happy at my job. I don't hate it, but I definitely know that it's not for me. I did my school counseling practicum at a high school, and I loved it. I felt so fulfilled during my time there. Unfortunately, they aren't hiring right now. I thought that I would be fine with elementary as I knew that I had the patience and skill to handle the responsibility but now, I just feel so unhappy. I can't help but compare high school counseling with elementary and I find myself missing working with older students.

I feel guilty feeling this because all the students and staff love having me around. As a matter of fact, nothing is really wrong with my job. Pay is decent. The teachers, staff, and my fellow counselor are all kind and welcoming. I am definitely making an impact in these kids' lives. But I can't seem to connect with them. I just feel so detached. I find myself “acting” like someone who loves kids when I actually am not too fond of them. It drains me a lot having to be around a lot of young children. I am okay with just a few though!

This is just my first month as an elementary school counselor but all I think about is resigning. I already submitted some applications at other agencies. One thing to note is that every time I am out of work, I have second thoughts about my feelings, and it's difficult to say that I don't like my job. But once I arrive to work and clock-in, I begin to fill with dread and just wish the day would end.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate being able to share my feelings with everyone.

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