
Got to experience disability discrimination

I work(ed) for a native American tribe and got to experience first hand how awful unbridled capitalism can be. I worked for a casino that would actively try to fire people with disabilities. They've fired numerous people who are legally disabled by writing people up for rules that didnt exist. During March of this year I was snowed in for 3 weeks with power and Internet going out constantly, I ended up with over 90 inches of snow at my house which in southern California is unheard of. My work sent out a notice stating that people in the impacted area would not be penalized for missing work, except for me. I was the only person singled out to be fired. I managed to keep my job through that some how, but then they started giving me worse positions even though I was more qualified than my peers, they'd give…

I work(ed) for a native American tribe and got to experience first hand how awful unbridled capitalism can be. I worked for a casino that would actively try to fire people with disabilities. They've fired numerous people who are legally disabled by writing people up for rules that didnt exist. During March of this year I was snowed in for 3 weeks with power and Internet going out constantly, I ended up with over 90 inches of snow at my house which in southern California is unheard of. My work sent out a notice stating that people in the impacted area would not be penalized for missing work, except for me. I was the only person singled out to be fired. I managed to keep my job through that some how, but then they started giving me worse positions even though I was more qualified than my peers, they'd give me lower paying areas to work though my scores were higher than my peers. I was given write ups constantly for nothing, I got a final for slouching even though I had never once gotten a write up in over a decade of working in this industry. They gave me another final after the previous one fell off because I called into work once, we use a point system so this was totally baseless.

I documented all of this and contacted a lawyer, my lawyer said I have a good case against them and they'd be happy to represent me, unfortunately though because they're a native American tribe they are untouchable through the normal court system and instead you have to go to Tribal Court, where the tribe gets to decide if they're guilty of any wrong doing. Saying they did a half assed investigation would be exaggerating, they essentially did no investigation and just said 'we've found ourselves innocent of any wrong doing' even though I have excellent documentation and irrefutable evidence that I singled out to have my income reduced, was suffering targeted harassment from my manager, and had multiple witnesses to my treatment. They simply didn't interview anyone who I listed as having knowledge of the incidents, never even attempted to see if my claims of being removed from my former position were true.

I just talked to my lawyer today about appealing it and they essentially said that tribal court is such a joke that I should save my money and move on. If there's any take away from this, don't ever work for a native American tribe they are above the law and there's nothing you can do about it.

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