
Is this glassdoor review too bad? Will I get in any legal trouble? (UK)

Just left one of the most disgusting jobs I've worked with no notice and now am looking to seek revenge by leaving a glassdoor review. How does this sound? “First of all, the company is a health and safety disaster. They try to appear to be very on top of health and safety, but neglect the extremely dangerous production area, where the few people who work there are suffering from allergic reactions and health problems. The production area is run by a supervisor who is unintelligent, simple-minded and not certified for the job. They make you work like a slave, at an extremely fast pace – which feels like a disaster waiting to happen in the dangerous conditions of the mixing room. Often times, I would accidentally have gotten chemicals on my skin but would feel too pressured by the supervisor to have time to wash it off. On some…

Just left one of the most disgusting jobs I've worked with no notice and now am looking to seek revenge by leaving a glassdoor review. How does this sound?
“First of all, the company is a health and safety disaster. They try to appear to be very on top of health and safety, but neglect the extremely dangerous production area, where the few people who work there are suffering from allergic reactions and health problems. The production area is run by a supervisor who is unintelligent, simple-minded and not certified for the job. They make you work like a slave, at an extremely fast pace – which feels like a disaster waiting to happen in the dangerous conditions of the mixing room. Often times, I would accidentally have gotten chemicals on my skin but would feel too pressured by the supervisor to have time to wash it off. On some occasions, I was sworn at by him for not achieving the target when I'd been working at an extreme pace the entire day. Followed by this, I'd have to go home and see rashes appearing on my skin – mainly my arms, neck and feet. I would be constantly itching. Although we're equipped with respirators, some nights I would wake up gasping. Who knows the long term effects of working in a place like this? To make matters worse, I was never warned that I would possibly be subject to contact dermatitis when I started working in the production area. There is a guy working there who has had a severe allergic reaction – his face, and presumably his entire body, is covered in rashes and spots. FYI, he doesn't even work in the production area anymore. To compensate him for this, they've given him the easy job of driving the forklift in the yard, and he has deemed this as being worthy of the health problems he is suffering.
The management sweep the disturbing reality of working in the production area under the rug, and pretend that it isn't happening. From my experience, I believe that it's only a matter of time before somebody is seriously hurt.
To top this off, the management, despite being asked for it on multiple occasions and promised it after 13 weeks of employment, have avoided giving anyone in production a contract. I wonder why?
I highly suggest you to look elsewhere. This company is looking for unaware, unintelligent people who will blindly follow them and wont question their sick workplace.

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