
I walked out, now can’t find my ambition

I worked for a soul-crushing corporation for a year and a half. I walked out 1 month ago. Never walked out on a job in my life until now. I was really ambitious and making great strides in my career prior to this. Now I’m feeling like I don’t even want to work at all. I need to get a job to support my family but I don’t even want to work in my career field anymore. Has anyone been through this? I can’t seem to motivate myself to seriously apply for jobs even though bills are looming and my savings are dwindling. How do I snap out of this fog and get myself employed again?

I worked for a soul-crushing corporation for a year and a half. I walked out 1 month ago. Never walked out on a job in my life until now.

I was really ambitious and making great strides in my career prior to this. Now I’m feeling like I don’t even want to work at all. I need to get a job to support my family but I don’t even want to work in my career field anymore.

Has anyone been through this? I can’t seem to motivate myself to seriously apply for jobs even though bills are looming and my savings are dwindling. How do I snap out of this fog and get myself employed again?

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