
New hires getting paid more than me

I’ve been at my company for 10 months now, not a long time but definitely enough time to get some seniority with our turnover and enough experience to get quite good at what I do. It is a private aircraft terminal where we fuel and tow airplanes + any other services they need. I got hired on at 18$ per hour, since I started there despite a few mistakes i’ve never broken anything significant, always am on time, have called off once for illness and overall give it my best effort. I’m experienced enough to do every task proficiently and independently, and sometimes have shifts where i’m working completely by myself. We’ve hired a few new people in the last few months who just recently started fueling planes by themselves, are not trained to tow airplanes, frequently call off last minute, aren’t catching on to simple seeming tasks and lack…

I’ve been at my company for 10 months now, not a long time but definitely enough time to get some seniority with our turnover and enough experience to get quite good at what I do. It is a private aircraft terminal where we fuel and tow airplanes + any other services they need. I got hired on at 18$ per hour, since I started there despite a few mistakes i’ve never broken anything significant, always am on time, have called off once for illness and overall give it my best effort. I’m experienced enough to do every task proficiently and independently, and sometimes have shifts where i’m working completely by myself. We’ve hired a few new people in the last few months who just recently started fueling planes by themselves, are not trained to tow airplanes, frequently call off last minute, aren’t catching on to simple seeming tasks and lack motivation. They are being paid more than I am. I asked a couple of the new guys and some people more senior than me to determine what raise amount would be appropriate. Someone who’s been there a few months more than me is being paid 20.50 and the new hires are getting 18.50. Honestly this was a sucker punch especially when the president of the company always says how he never has to worry about me getting stuff done and calling me and one other person “the dream team” yet they seemingly don’t want to back that up. I asked for the raise about a week ago and was told by my boss he needs to talk to the president of the company about it. I followed up yesterday and my boss said “he hasn’t talked to him yet but hasn’t forgotten about it”. everything in this situation is blatantly rude to me and feel disrespected. I’m going to send my boss a text tonight to have something on record. Don’t really know how to proceed, confronting people is a nightmare for me but I need to advocate for myself before getting walked on even more

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