
I have a question about child labor laws

You guys know way more about this than I do but I just left a KFC in Pennsylvania and I swear there was a kid who looked like he was 12 or 13 working there. He was in uniform, sweeping floors and delivering food to people in the parking lot so it's not like he was cooking anything. And I swear there was another 12 – 13 year old being interviewed at a table nearby. Like an older worker in uniform had a stack of papers spread out in front of this kid and was explaining things in a toned down voice. Meanwhile me and my family were sitting there like “What the fuck?!?” My dad piped up with a “Maybe they got parental permission?” So I googled and KFC website says they don't hire under 15. Those two boys were NOT 15! But now I'm wondering about the parental…

You guys know way more about this than I do but I just left a KFC in Pennsylvania and I swear there was a kid who looked like he was 12 or 13 working there.

He was in uniform, sweeping floors and delivering food to people in the parking lot so it's not like he was cooking anything.

And I swear there was another 12 – 13 year old being interviewed at a table nearby. Like an older worker in uniform had a stack of papers spread out in front of this kid and was explaining things in a toned down voice.

Meanwhile me and my family were sitting there like “What the fuck?!?”

My dad piped up with a “Maybe they got parental permission?”

So I googled and KFC website says they don't hire under 15. Those two boys were NOT 15!

But now I'm wondering about the parental permission thing. Is there any loophole that'd allow them to get away with that? Or should I anonymously report them? …though I have no idea where to report them to. I'm not from the area.

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