
I don’t think my boss would ever give me a reference even if I quit the normal way. Contemplating walking out

Been miserable here all year, it didn’t used to be this way but my old boss retired and most my coworkers quit, me and this new team don’t vibe. The boss isn’t mean but she’s useless and has been disrespectful when I’ve brought things to her attention. This boss has it out for me idk if it’s cause I’m probably only 1 of 2 people that were here before her and she inherited me. But when I bring a suggestion to her or point out mistakes she’ll accuse me of telling her what to do or doesn’t care. And instead of talking to me she’ll write that stuff on my one on one performance where higher ups and HR can see. She also value newer people who repeatedly no show no call and make the same mistakes over me yet doesn’t call them out on it. She just makes me…

Been miserable here all year, it didn’t used to be this way but my old boss retired and most my coworkers quit, me and this new team don’t vibe. The boss isn’t mean but she’s useless and has been disrespectful when I’ve brought things to her attention.

This boss has it out for me idk if it’s cause I’m probably only 1 of 2 people that were here before her and she inherited me. But when I bring a suggestion to her or point out mistakes she’ll accuse me of telling her what to do or doesn’t care. And instead of talking to me she’ll write that stuff on my one on one performance where higher ups and HR can see. She also value newer people who repeatedly no show no call and make the same mistakes over me yet doesn’t call them out on it. She just makes me feel miserable I don’t even say hi to her anymore unless she says hi back

I started going by back to school so I can get out of here and the one good thing is she was willing to work around my schedule.

I used to want to be at this job long term before her. Idk if k can hold out (2 more years till graduation)

I know the advantage of putting on a resignation is not burning a bridge. But If I were to put in my 2 weeks I feel like what’s the point-i doubt she would ever give me a good recommendation she keeps me around cause I show up on time and open. I’m tempted to just either stop showing up one day /going on break and not coming back-I really do care about this place anymore, I’d love to throw off the schedule for a week

Bad idea to just walk out/stop showing?

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