
Too much mental gymnastics

My store manager presents himself as a guy who likes to make jokes. The thing is, he makes 'jokes' that are clearly to point out a problem with me and when I ask him to clarify he says “I'm just messing with you.” 100% he is serious but follows it up by saying it was a joke. It is obnoxious because he has mentioned mistakes I've made and always says it was just a joke. He is completely serious but when I ask him to explain what he is saying he just says it was a joke. Every time. I'm honestly just waiting to get written up so I can contest it by saying “Every statement or comment that has ever been made is replied with “I am just messing with you.” There is no reason to believe I have done anything wrong. I think he knows that. All I…

My store manager presents himself as a guy who likes to make jokes. The thing is, he makes 'jokes' that are clearly to point out a problem with me and when I ask him to clarify he says “I'm just messing with you.” 100% he is serious but follows it up by saying it was a joke.

It is obnoxious because he has mentioned mistakes I've made and always says it was just a joke. He is completely serious but when I ask him to explain what he is saying he just says it was a joke. Every time.

I'm honestly just waiting to get written up so I can contest it by saying “Every statement or comment that has ever been made is replied with “I am just messing with you.” There is no reason to believe I have done anything wrong. I think he knows that.

All I have to say is “You said you were just messing with me. That is more of a problem than what I did/didn't do. You are my boss. You shouldn't be doing that.”

The part that sucks is the job is actually awesome. It's just that I have mental health issues and navigating all of his bs really activates my mental health issues.

If I did something wrong, just tell me. Don't say it then act like it is a joke.

I can't even talk to him anymore. The 'jokes' he has made just keep piling up and any time I talk to him he about something he mentioned as a joke he says “I already talked to you about that.” and I say “You said you were just messing with me or making a joke.” Then he says “No. I was serious.”

I have interviews for other jobs coming up so I don't necessarily need this one. But also, I don't really think he can get me fired as his 'jokes' are extremely manipulative and I shouldn't have to deal with that. If he pushes the issue… I'm certain I can find a lawyer who who happily take the case and take a portion of what we get when we most definitely win. I have talked to 5 different employees who said he does that to them also. So probably everyone in the store.

Physical abuse and mental abuse are not equal but they both cause a lot of pain. Employers should not have as much power to torture people mentally and just get away with it.

I love my job and it is unfortunate that I will get fired or quit because of 1 person.

Our regional came by and guess who turned into a normal store manager for 5 hours…

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