
Update: I ended up quitting my boss.

Despite the fact that this is probably what my boss wanted, I had no choice but to quit because the work environment got more and more hostile. What tipped me over the edge today was when I stood up for myself as my boss was verbally berating me over something that I did not do. I basically told him to either “prove that it was me who did this or fucking leave me alone because I have actual WORK to do”. He hung up on me and then literally 5 minutes later called me back like the petulant child he is (this is a grown ass man in his late 50's) yelling at me to “fucking listen or find a new job” and proceeded to tell me how I have no right to tell him how to act and that he would fire me and claim misconduct so I can't…

Despite the fact that this is probably what my boss wanted, I had no choice but to quit because the work environment got more and more hostile. What tipped me over the edge today was when I stood up for myself as my boss was verbally berating me over something that I did not do.

I basically told him to either “prove that it was me who did this or fucking leave me alone because I have actual WORK to do”. He hung up on me and then literally 5 minutes later called me back like the petulant child he is (this is a grown ass man in his late 50's) yelling at me to “fucking listen or find a new job” and proceeded to tell me how I have no right to tell him how to act and that he would fire me and claim misconduct so I can't claim unemployment.

As soon as I started talking, he hung up AGAIN. And then blocked my phone number…

I decided to go to lunch cause I was supposed to go 2 hours ago.

During lunch, I realized my email stopped working and then noticed a barrage of Teams chat messaging from him where he demanded I respond immediately or he will fire me.

Oh well. I guess I didn't respond fast enough.

That McDonald's Quarter Pounder tasted extra lovely today.

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