
I’ve just joined my first chef Job and I’m getting treated like crap

So a few weeks ago I enrolled on a chef apprenticeship as I'm very interested in cooking and becoming a chef. The thing is, the person running this kitchen talks to me like I'm incompetent and I've never been spoken to in my life the way she does to me. The place I work isn't too big so it's only me and her on the kitchen. I have worked 3 half days so far. This women's from a different country and as much as I try and understand her instructions, she has a very thick accent so it's hard especially with the ventilators being so loud. Some examples I can give is she'd be shouting at me to do this ultimate feast where its 2 different types of fried chicken, and a load of different sides and sauces all positioned on a tray in a very specific way. I cooked…

So a few weeks ago I enrolled on a chef apprenticeship as I'm very interested in cooking and becoming a chef. The thing is, the person running this kitchen talks to me like I'm incompetent and I've never been spoken to in my life the way she does to me. The place I work isn't too big so it's only me and her on the kitchen. I have worked 3 half days so far.

This women's from a different country and as much as I try and understand her instructions, she has a very thick accent so it's hard especially with the ventilators being so loud. Some examples I can give is she'd be shouting at me to do this ultimate feast where its 2 different types of fried chicken, and a load of different sides and sauces all positioned on a tray in a very specific way. I cooked all the food and just asked “where abouts do I put it again” she shouts “for fucks sake I've shown you 2 times already and you still don't know” while smacking them on the plate. Then I was cooking a load of meals not making a mistake, she didn't mention anything about that but as soon as I forgot to put a tomato on a grill for the steak she starts having a go at me again. At the end of the day I asked if she trained anyone else, she said yes. I asked did they pick it up pretty quickly or was it pretty slow, she said “I teach them once and they get, I teach you 4 times and you still don't get it”. I asked one of the other chefs and she said it took her 3 months to know the menu off by heart so I find it hard to believe. Anyway, that was a little bit of day 1.

On one of my shifts there was another girl training me who was really nice and I felt like I learnt more in that 3 hours with her than I have with the other one completely. And she said she was a total bitch in training to her and even now.

Anyways, I just got back from work yesterday, I revised the menu all week in the mornings so I wouldn't make a mistake again so I was feeling good about myself. I cooked that feast, meal and quite a few others without mistake and then a Burger comes up so I put it on the grill and started prepping the bun and put mayo on it. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU TOAST THE BUNS FIRST! FUCK SAKEEE!”. After this big order was done and it went quiet I asked if I could grab a drink real quick. As I came back in the kitchen I heard her complain to another staff member saying “he's pissing me off”. I said what, am I pissing you off? Why? She pretended as if she couldn't hear me. Stuff like thst was going on all shift. Then one of the waiters came in and started speaking to us. I noticed I didn't have any shifts for next week but i do the week after, but an inspectors coming in on that week and I said is that why I'm not in. She said “no, it's because you are shit” infront of this guy. I said I'm only as good as the teacher.

This is about 20% of the shit that has happened over my 3 days here. She never uses her manners at all. I'm starting to wonder if this is worth minimum wage, but I really want to cook for a career

Sorry for the rant

Tldr; I'm on shift 3 of a chef apprenticeship and the boss talks to me like shit constantly and I don't know if minimum wage is worth the humiliation of just sitting there and taking it

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