
i guess i got fired? what can i do?

so my job stopped putting me on the schedule 3 weeks ago now. i immediately contacted my sm the first week asking why and apparently someone else had told him i ‘needed a break’ despite me never saying anything to him or anyone else. maybe made an offhand comment about being tired but never said anything about needing time off, never put in a request. i told my sm this and he said i would be put back on the schedule. but it’s now week three and despite me calling my sm, sending multiple messages every week when the schedule comes out and even going to the store and speaking with him in person i still have not been put on the schedule. for background, the sm was moved to my location about two months ago from another store and brought about 4-5 people with him which resulted in several…

so my job stopped putting me on the schedule 3 weeks ago now. i immediately contacted my sm the first week asking why and apparently someone else had told him i ‘needed a break’ despite me never saying anything to him or anyone else. maybe made an offhand comment about being tired but never said anything about needing time off, never put in a request. i told my sm this and he said i would be put back on the schedule. but it’s now week three and despite me calling my sm, sending multiple messages every week when the schedule comes out and even going to the store and speaking with him in person i still have not been put on the schedule.

for background, the sm was moved to my location about two months ago from another store and brought about 4-5 people with him which resulted in several employees, including myself, to get their hours cut. i only worked there as a part time job for some extra money but was still working about 25-30 hours a week, which had been reduced to about 15-20 hours a week when the new sm started.

i have already found another job thankfully but i was just wondering if there’s anything i can do because my former employer never officially terminated me (at least to my knowledge) I do live in an at-will state so i know they didn’t need a reason to fire me but surely they’re supposed to tell me i was being fired?

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