
My boss tells me I have to use PTO when everyone else in the company is allowed to make up time later in the day because our department is “slow”

I have a decent job doing Salesforce project bookings for the most successful salesman in our environmental consulting company. With the Real Estate market being that it’s been for some time now, my workload has been relatively slow for over a year now. I still have my busy days occasionally, but it’s really just luck of the draw when a day happens to be busy. We expect to be slow most days with the current state of the economy. Despite how slow it is, he is still easily our most successful salesperson and our department within the company is doing far better than the others this year. I recently underwent jaw surgery this past May, a procedure I’ve expected to have and planned to have for years. Part of the treatment plan was braces before and after; I didn’t have braces when I was a child because of the condition…

I have a decent job doing Salesforce project bookings for the most successful salesman in our environmental consulting company. With the Real Estate market being that it’s been for some time now, my workload has been relatively slow for over a year now. I still have my busy days occasionally, but it’s really just luck of the draw when a day happens to be busy. We expect to be slow most days with the current state of the economy. Despite how slow it is, he is still easily our most successful salesperson and our department within the company is doing far better than the others this year.

I recently underwent jaw surgery this past May, a procedure I’ve expected to have and planned to have for years. Part of the treatment plan was braces before and after; I didn’t have braces when I was a child because of the condition that caused the need for the procedure. Even after a couple weeks off to recover, I still had plenty of follow up appointments in the months after with the orthodontist and the oral surgeon which both ate up my sick time. I got my braces off yesterday and was asked to come in for a super quick appointment 8 business days later to pick up my retainer. I also have an upcoming dentist appointment.

Now, because my only available PTO is 1 hour of Flex Time and 39 hours of vacation (soon to be 31), I let my boss know that I would prefer to save my PTO and instead stay logged in past business hours to make up the time I miss. People elsewhere in the company routinely do this. She responded by telling me I have to use my vacation time because it’s slow and “I can’t have you staring at the computer for an extra hour doing nothing because you are not paid to do so” which, of course, I’m not. But I don’t get how this is any different from staring at my computer during business hours. Sure, I’m paid to be present for business hours like everyone else in the company, but everyone else in the company is able to leave during business hours and can make up the time later in the day after 5:00. Why can’t I? Why do I have to use my vacation hours for a few 1-hour absences?

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