
Coworker is mad I didn’t show initiative today to help them when they told me “I’m fine” all day and more recently “You screw things up.”

I started my new job a month ago and my coworker is trying to be a control freak with me. I have two jobs that both take roughly an hour each that we should do simultaneously if we can. The other day when I tried to help out and keep up on everything my coworker screams at me “What are you doing? Get out of my space.” I said I was trying to help and she goes “How about you just let me take care of this from now on?” Today, we're super busy and she had to do something for like 3hrs. My supervisor asked me if I could help out and of course I said sure. I go ask my coworker if she wants help. “No I'm fine. You screw things up. I don't know how you do it?” Okay whatever…. meanwhile my supervisor asks again “Have you…

I started my new job a month ago and my coworker is trying to be a control freak with me. I have two jobs that both take roughly an hour each that we should do simultaneously if we can. The other day when I tried to help out and keep up on everything my coworker screams at me “What are you doing? Get out of my space.” I said I was trying to help and she goes “How about you just let me take care of this from now on?” Today, we're super busy and she had to do something for like 3hrs. My supervisor asked me if I could help out and of course I said sure. I go ask my coworker if she wants help. “No I'm fine. You screw things up. I don't know how you do it?” Okay whatever…. meanwhile my supervisor asks again “Have you been helping?” I tell her what my coworker said. She's like “Okay, well I will talk to her.” Shortly after, my coworker returns and I haven't bothered to help with this secondary task at all. I get an email, “If you need help, please ask for it.” Coworker doesn't budge, doesn't even ask me, and when I ask yet again if she wants it, “Nope. I've got it.”

Soooo…. about an hour to shift change, I'm tidying up and such but notice they were falling behind. “Need help with anything?” And my coworker looks at me angry, “It's kinda late for that now isn't it? You could've shown initiative and helped me out today. But whatever I guess… guess I have to do everything around here?”

Why would I help if I'm being told stuff like this? Why would I show initiative when you tell me I'm doing things wrong all the time? Why should I help if you tell me “I'm good.” And then blab to everyone about how nobody works right?

Sorry for venting but damn I hate two sided coworkers who can't communicate.

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