
Finally found a really great job

Within skateboarding distance of my house (altho I drive cuz it’s at 5:50am). Zero traffic tho. The job is amazing. It’s not abusive labor like I’m used too, my last job was working as a plumbers helper. The last month or so they were cutting my hours to like 25 or less a week, and when they did use me it was to do shit like dig trenches or pick up fuckin rocks out of a trench. Including part times in my youth, I’ve had 17 or so jobs in the past 6 years. None of them have made me feel like this one. Trained me so indepthly. Been so relaxed. Yeah there’s corporate bullshit but it’s like I’ll fuckin deal with that. The moneys not like incredible but it’s what I’ve been getting, when I finish training it’ll be a dollar more, and there’s a raise schedule+opportunities for further…

Within skateboarding distance of my house (altho I drive cuz it’s at 5:50am). Zero traffic tho. The job is amazing. It’s not abusive labor like I’m used too, my last job was working as a plumbers helper. The last month or so they were cutting my hours to like 25 or less a week, and when they did use me it was to do shit like dig trenches or pick up fuckin rocks out of a trench. Including part times in my youth, I’ve had 17 or so jobs in the past 6 years. None of them have made me feel like this one. Trained me so indepthly. Been so relaxed. Yeah there’s corporate bullshit but it’s like I’ll fuckin deal with that. The moneys not like incredible but it’s what I’ve been getting, when I finish training it’ll be a dollar more, and there’s a raise schedule+opportunities for further advancement/ relocation/ getting certificates for more money. For the first time I find myself in a job I see myself in for a long time. I just want to say this to let y’all know you shouldn’t put up with bullshit. Know that a good job exists and you deserve one. If the company you’re working for won’t change, quit and keep searching. If you’re not happy with what you’re doing, quit. Find something you are. It exists out there somewhere.

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