
Got let go after my trial period because I was ill. But no worries, they still want me free labor!

I signed the contract in August, saying I would start on the fourth of September and have a trial period of a month, before my full year contract would begin. I'm still in the internship phase of my education, so this was a blessing, as I'd get reduced pay until I got my diploma! Which would be in January. Now, I worked two weeks, and got the flu. Badly. I got a call from management that they decided not to continue my contract. I asked why, because I got only glowing feedback during my two weeks of work, aside from a piece of practical, easily fixable feedback now and again. The type of feedback of “make sure you mark everything with your initials so we know who did what”. Nothing substantial about my work ethic or my behavior, or my skill. I asked if it was because I was sick…

I signed the contract in August, saying I would start on the fourth of September and have a trial period of a month, before my full year contract would begin. I'm still in the internship phase of my education, so this was a blessing, as I'd get reduced pay until I got my diploma! Which would be in January.

Now, I worked two weeks, and got the flu. Badly. I got a call from management that they decided not to continue my contract. I asked why, because I got only glowing feedback during my two weeks of work, aside from a piece of practical, easily fixable feedback now and again. The type of feedback of “make sure you mark everything with your initials so we know who did what”. Nothing substantial about my work ethic or my behavior, or my skill.

I asked if it was because I was sick for two weeks. She basically answered yes, without so many words. It's because they were looking for a replacement for someone who is going with parental leave in November, and with these two weeks of education missing, they think I can't do it (I think I can). Mind you, I was NOT informed of this when I started working! They pitched it as a paid internship, nothing more than that. But apparently they hired me like this so I could replace her during her parental leave.

But no worries, the manager said. I can still finish my internship with them. I just won't be paid!

No worries, management. I won't do a single thing of the woman's tasks then. And if they're foisted onto me, I'll make sure to demand FULL payment. None of this reduced pay bullshit.

This was supposed to be my first adult job too. Hate it here already.

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