
I am 13 years old. I just realised i will spend my life up to 65 years old enslaved, with no free will

I am 13 years old. I didnt feel like going to school tomorrow ao i asked my dad if i could just have a mental health day and not go. And i dont remember his exact words, but he basically said “for the rest of your life you will get up in the morning and regardless of how you feel you will go to your job and work. Working is your purpose in life. People dont want to work, but they still have to” so i just got down to my room and i can barely see my keyboard because my eyes are blurry from tears, as i realise that i will spend the next half century as a will-less slave to society. So i have come here to ask for help. Please tell me what i can do to have a self sufficient life and not have to get…

I am 13 years old. I didnt feel like going to school tomorrow ao i asked my dad if i could just have a mental health day and not go. And i dont remember his exact words, but he basically said “for the rest of your life you will get up in the morning and regardless of how you feel you will go to your job and work. Working is your purpose in life. People dont want to work, but they still have to” so i just got down to my room and i can barely see my keyboard because my eyes are blurry from tears, as i realise that i will spend the next half century as a will-less slave to society. So i have come here to ask for help. Please tell me what i can do to have a self sufficient life and not have to get up at 6am monday to friday until my hair turns gray and i cant walk without a cane. Please tell me what to do to escape this fate that was seemingly predetermined for me before i was even born. Please help me escape modern slavery. I want to live a free and fruitfull life.

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