
im starting to think that….

my workplace has a “dont you ever or dare call in sick” policy, one of my coworkers showed up today with the flu, i told her why she wasnt at home and her reply was “theres nobody else to cover me” despite my workplace having a pool of casuals on standby to fill shfts if someone is sick/on holiday/medical/bereavement leave and while shes normally the one to sign off sick if needed her answer suggests that our company thinks calling in sick is “cowardly and for the weak” – where have our managers been hiding the last 3 and a half years??? i can guarantee her principle is correct as trying to swap or cancel a shift 5 days in advance for any reason gets you screamed at.

my workplace has a “dont you ever or dare call in sick” policy, one of my coworkers showed up today with the flu, i told her why she wasnt at home and her reply was “theres nobody else to cover me” despite my workplace having a pool of casuals on standby to fill shfts if someone is sick/on holiday/medical/bereavement leave

and while shes normally the one to sign off sick if needed her answer suggests that our company thinks calling in sick is “cowardly and for the weak” – where have our managers been hiding the last 3 and a half years???

i can guarantee her principle is correct as trying to swap or cancel a shift 5 days in advance for any reason gets you screamed at.

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