
Health Code (Update)

So, I posted about two weeks ago about the trouble I've been having at my Hotel Kitchen job with the managers ignoring Health Code violations. Well, I reported it to the Health Department after they tried again when our last fridge went down and the Heath Department came out the next day. Trouble is, they came and looked at EVERY conplaint I put in and the managers know it was me. I know they know because yesterday (the day after the Health Department showed up), I was called into the manager's office at the end of my shift and they told me that the Health Department came and while they don't know who called them, they were investigating SPECIFIC claims. Then, without much of a segway, they wrote me up for something that happened literally two weeks ago. The funniest part is the write up was for disposing of food…

So, I posted about two weeks ago about the trouble I've been having at my Hotel Kitchen job with the managers ignoring Health Code violations. Well, I reported it to the Health Department after they tried again when our last fridge went down and the Heath Department came out the next day. Trouble is, they came and looked at EVERY conplaint I put in and the managers know it was me.

I know they know because yesterday (the day after the Health Department showed up), I was called into the manager's office at the end of my shift and they told me that the Health Department came and while they don't know who called them, they were investigating SPECIFIC claims. Then, without much of a segway, they wrote me up for something that happened literally two weeks ago. The funniest part is the write up was for disposing of food that had been in the first fridge that went down and the AGM and I had checked the temp on together. She claimed that I had not informed them of this waste when I had told her in that conversation that we had to throw out all the food. But this write up came THE DAY AFTER the health department showed up.

So, now I have no working fridges and am getting written up for things that happened weeks ago that they knew about and were the correct action in addition to never having been told how to communicate waste to them because we have no paperwork in the kitchen and they provided me with no training.

I do love the job but these managers are just inept.

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