
Management confirmed pay increases are no longer based on merit. I lost all motivation.

I was burned out before this, the review period before I went above and beyond for 4% raise that was really a pay cut with inflation. Still, I've gotten good to excellent performance reviews across the board. But now that they confirmed merit has no bearing on pay, I can barely bring myself to do the bare minimum. I haven't checked my email in a month. I'm stuck going between apathy and anxiety over my poor performance. My manager wants to have a meeting to discuss my decreased work quality but what's the point. Bad work pays the same as excellent. I'm anxious about losing my job (almost 5 years in this position) but I think it would hurt them more than me. I never wanted this to be my career and it would push me to make a change. The office has been chronically understaffed practically since I was…

I was burned out before this, the review period before I went above and beyond for 4% raise that was really a pay cut with inflation. Still, I've gotten good to excellent performance reviews across the board. But now that they confirmed merit has no bearing on pay, I can barely bring myself to do the bare minimum. I haven't checked my email in a month. I'm stuck going between apathy and anxiety over my poor performance. My manager wants to have a meeting to discuss my decreased work quality but what's the point. Bad work pays the same as excellent.

I'm anxious about losing my job (almost 5 years in this position) but I think it would hurt them more than me. I never wanted this to be my career and it would push me to make a change. The office has been chronically understaffed practically since I was hired and they would likely have to start a replacement at more than what I make now. Thought that's a small comfort.

This is more of an outlet for my anxiety and frustration than anything, but I would to hear advice, anecdotes or commiseration if you have any.

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