
Help me craft a “f you, no” response to my bosses request for an exit interview

As the title suggests, I’ve been asked to do an exit interview that I will absolutely not be doing. Help me craft an impeccably “professional-speak” response? Here are options for what message I’d like to come across -why on earth would I waste my energy giving you feedback when historically this company has shown itself to not care about employees opinions? -you’re an emotionally unsafe person to be in a room with, and I respect myself too much to subject myself to you -this company has disrespected employees for years, why would I do you the favor of telling you how to improve Nothing is quite as satisfying as a perfectly crafted, professional sounding and yet read-between-the-lines-fuck-you response, help me craft one!

As the title suggests, I’ve been asked to do an exit interview that I will absolutely not be doing.

Help me craft an impeccably “professional-speak” response?

Here are options for what message I’d like to come across

-why on earth would I waste my energy giving you feedback when historically this company has shown itself to not care about employees opinions?

-you’re an emotionally unsafe person to be in a room with, and I respect myself too much to subject myself to you

-this company has disrespected employees for years, why would I do you the favor of telling you how to improve

Nothing is quite as satisfying as a perfectly crafted, professional sounding and yet read-between-the-lines-fuck-you response, help me craft one!

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