
I want to quit sooner Al thought i put in my 2 weeks notice

I (22F) didn’t want to make the story long Sorry, but basically i work at a law firm, been here for a year. Started as an intern, then became a full time employee meanwhile i attend school full time as well.. but it’s ok I’m able to handle it. My manager is hard to deal with, if she’s having a bad day then we’ll all have a bad day too. Anywho, i felt bad bc there was no one to replace me once i left, so i wanted to give her a 4 week notice to allow her time to hire someone new and train them but she annoyed me and told us to “do better”, only because i didn’t notify her a package arrived as soon as it did, it took me 5 mins to notify her because i was on the line with a client ( since i…

I (22F) didn’t want to make the story long Sorry, but basically i work at a law firm, been here for a year. Started as an intern, then became a full time employee meanwhile i attend school full time as well.. but it’s ok I’m able to handle it. My manager is hard to deal with, if she’s having a bad day then we’ll all have a bad day too. Anywho, i felt bad bc there was no one to replace me once i left, so i wanted to give her a 4 week notice to allow her time to hire someone new and train them but she annoyed me and told us to “do better”, only because i didn’t notify her a package arrived as soon as it did, it took me 5 mins to notify her because i was on the line with a client ( since i also cover for the receptionists when they’re at lunch and it gets busy during lunch time) anywho that annoyed me because it’s inconsiderate of her knowing we’re busy and cannot notify her RIGHT away.
I ended up giving her my 2 weeks notice days after, and she hired someone right away ..

The new girl started yesterday, my manager introduced us and told her to pick a cubicle to work in (btw for the entire year i was there i has my desk in the mail room next to a trash bin and an exit door , and used a laptop to do my work ..i didn’t want to “ask” for an office, or cubicle, or a desktop because i didn’t want to feel like a burden..)
Anywho the girl chose her cubicle , then my manager said “i think we have an extra desktop around I’ll tell our tech guy to set it up for you” and left… the next morning i arrived to work, my manager seen me and she said to me “you know i now realized i should’ve given you your own cubicle and desktop sooner, it just never crossed my mind” i was just like “ok” with a serious face, then i seen the new girls cubicle with a Brand new apple desktop lol. Everyone came up to me and said “wow she got the new girl a cubicle and a computer and never did that for you” and i was like “yeah lol “ . It was just a very awkward situation bc ppl obviously seen and thought it was unfair ..
anywho I have a week left there, and i feel very uncomfortable to go back now. We get paid Saturday and i don’t see a reason to return on Monday .
Also, the new girl has no type of experience, she doesn’t know how to use a computer either i was guiding her through it all..which is not an issue, the issue i have with her is that she makes things about herself a lot..As i attempted to train her she continued to talk a lot and over shared details of her personal life.. i reminded her to take notes but she didn’t. I’m 15 years younger than this woman so it’s not my job to baby her either ..
i told her clients can be rude and difficult to deal with at times and she brought up how she had a “great customers service certificate” at her old retail job.. and she said “you’ll be surprised to find out what i can handle “. “I have 5 kids i have the patience to deal with difficult clients” like ok lol working as a receptionist at a personal in jury law firm is completely different than working retail but OK if you say sooo.. i just tried to give her a heads up .
Anywho i sort of want to stress my manager out by not showing up on Monday because she won’t have me or anyone to train the new girl anymore lol.. i never felt appreciated there and today was just a confirmation that i never was.

Also i’m not sure why but my manager never seemed to like me but i was always nice and respectful, but I’m tired of being nice i CANT STAND THIS B****

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