
Changed their minds

We were supposed have have this coming Monday off (STAT holiday). We were all expecting to have the day off. Well at the beginning month they decided to announce they were looking for a small amount of volunteers to work. Within an hour of sharing that they had enough people. At this point I am thinking great I get a long weekend this month. Then in our meeting today they announce we ALL have to work. WTF NOW YOU TELL US THREE FUCKING DAYS BEFORE?! I have looking forward to an extra day all month! And that is not it… we got to choose between paid time and half or an extra vacation day. I figure the extra pay will mostly come out on taxes so I choose the extra vacation day. I full out the form and submit it to human resources. They reply stating that form deadline was…

We were supposed have have this coming Monday off (STAT holiday). We were all expecting to have the day off. Well at the beginning month they decided to announce they were looking for a small amount of volunteers to work. Within an hour of sharing that they had enough people. At this point I am thinking great I get a long weekend this month. Then in our meeting today they announce we ALL have to work. WTF NOW YOU TELL US THREE FUCKING DAYS BEFORE?! I have looking forward to an extra day all month! And that is not it… we got to choose between paid time and half or an extra vacation day. I figure the extra pay will mostly come out on taxes so I choose the extra vacation day. I full out the form and submit it to human resources. They reply stating that form deadline was September 21st…

I hate work. But I am thankful for my great coworkers.

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