
Got a significantly better-paying job. Still can’t afford anything. What’s the point of this, again?

Have to live with my mother because of rent prices and pay rates in my city. She wants me to pay even more of our shared rent now because I'm making more money. I've spent the afternoon scouring every website I can think of looking for an apartment I can afford in my area. Nothing. Zip. I don't qualify for rent for anything I can find because they all require you to make 2 or 3 times the rent price. Even if I could qualify, every apartment in my range costs an arm and a leg to move into with all of their hidden fees, app fees, etc. Anything I'm even close to qualifying for has a 1star rating with dozens of reviews mentioning bed bugs, roaches, etc. I make more than most of the people I know and I still can't afford to live independently. I'm 25 years old…

Have to live with my mother because of rent prices and pay rates in my city. She wants me to pay even more of our shared rent now because I'm making more money. I've spent the afternoon scouring every website I can think of looking for an apartment I can afford in my area. Nothing. Zip. I don't qualify for rent for anything I can find because they all require you to make 2 or 3 times the rent price. Even if I could qualify, every apartment in my range costs an arm and a leg to move into with all of their hidden fees, app fees, etc. Anything I'm even close to qualifying for has a 1star rating with dozens of reviews mentioning bed bugs, roaches, etc.
I make more than most of the people I know and I still can't afford to live independently. I'm 25 years old and I'm still living with my mother. It's fucking embarrassing. It's absolutely, completely, and totally disheartening to know that I will never pass this point. I can't afford to eat healthily because almost everything healthy is expensive. I can't afford to properly take care of my body since a basic checkup or dental care costs more than I make in an entire month.
So I find myself asking what's the point of all this? Answer: There is none. There's no point. YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO BE INDEPENDANT. GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEADS. NOTHING WILL CHANGE. NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Get used to it folks, this is as good as it will ever get. Because the people in charge would rather die than give us ANYTHING.

Do not tell me to “save money.” That doesn't work. Been trying for months to save anything. Every time I get a couple hundreds bucks in my savings, something goes wrong and I have to dissolve all of it to pay for it. Car battery, flat tire, infected tooth, etc.
Do not tell me to “move somewhere else.” News flash, moving is expensive. Living anywhere in this shithole country is too expensive. And there's no guarantee I'll find a job anywhere near the payrates I make now.
Do not tell me to “rent a room in a house.” That has, without fail, led to abuse and theft in every instance I've tried it. I will not do it again.
Do not tell me anything. I've heard it all before. I reiterate: NOTHING WILL CHANGE. 25 years on this planet, with the last seven being spent trying to become independent. It's not gonna happen. There is no point.
I'm ready to give the fuck up and just stop existing. There is NOTHING worth sticking around for now.

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