
Extra restrictions after requesting accommodation

My office is on the RTO train. My department has been forced to switch from 3 to 4 in office days, which partially sucks with my chronic condition. I put in a request to go back to my previous schedule, and just received a response back from HR: /-You may utilize the wellness room in the office up to 3 times a day during working hours for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time./ /-You may bring in your tools and/or medication for joint pain into the office and utilize the refrigerator and/or your desk drawers for storage. Please confirm with me, your supervisor before bringing in any tools./ The wellness room being referred to is a converted office with a desk, a shitty recliner and a mini fridge. It’s usually meant for nursing mothers or nervous breakdowns. There are no restrictions for anyone to use this room. I’m…

My office is on the RTO train. My department has been forced to switch from 3 to 4 in office days, which partially sucks with my chronic condition.

I put in a request to go back to my previous schedule, and just received a response back from HR:

/-You may utilize the wellness room in the office up to 3 times a day during working hours for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time./

/-You may bring in your tools and/or medication for joint pain into the office and utilize the refrigerator and/or your desk drawers for storage. Please confirm with me, your supervisor before bringing in any tools./

The wellness room being referred to is a converted office with a desk, a shitty recliner and a mini fridge. It’s usually meant for nursing mothers or nervous breakdowns. There are no restrictions for anyone to use this room. I’m concerned as to why my time in there would be limited.

I am livid that I’m meant to check in with my supervisor about supportive tools. In my request, I mentioned access to heat, ice, braces, medication, TENS, positioning, etc. It’s invasive to ask permission to bring things I keep on my person, and ‘allowing’ me to store things in my desk or fridge does not feel like an accommodation at all. Many of these items are not things I want to bring to the office as they’re bulky and expensive, and I don’t have duplicates.

I don’t know if I’m being sensitive here. Do I have options left at this company or is it time to move on?

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