
I have a job I enjoy, but the money is terrible

So I'm currently 24 (soon to be 25) and still living at home with my family as moving out is super expensive.For a while now, I've been trying to find a job that doesn't effect my mental health badly. I've worked at many crappy jobs, gardening, were houses, Mcdonald's, pot washing at a kitchen. Basically any job I've managed to get, I've taken as I don't have any qualifications in anything useful. These jobs have paid fairly well, enough to save up money for myself to keep for the future and pay rent at home without draining my savings. But the catch with those jobs are they were terrible with my mental health, horrible managers who were assholes for the sake of it, unfair shifts, never let me take holiday, other staff members who I never got along with, and work that just drained my soul from how lifeless the…

So I'm currently 24 (soon to be 25) and still living at home with my family as moving out is super expensive.For a while now, I've been trying to find a job that doesn't effect my mental health badly. I've worked at many crappy jobs, gardening, were houses, Mcdonald's, pot washing at a kitchen. Basically any job I've managed to get, I've taken as I don't have any qualifications in anything useful. These jobs have paid fairly well, enough to save up money for myself to keep for the future and pay rent at home without draining my savings. But the catch with those jobs are they were terrible with my mental health, horrible managers who were assholes for the sake of it, unfair shifts, never let me take holiday, other staff members who I never got along with, and work that just drained my soul from how lifeless the jobs where. For years I'd keep doing these jobs for about 6 months – a year before quitting just to keep my sanity because those jobs where effecting my that badly, I've never experienced anything like it.

Thankfully I'm now working at a job I enjoy, I work at an Escape Room. Its super chilled, small independent business so theres only me and my manager, but I get along with my manager really well. He's a super great guy and we talk about video games loads while working, couldn't have asked for anything better, and I'm learning of useful things there too. The work itself doesn't feel like work most days, I enjoy it that much. Though the catch is, that it's a mall independent business is that I'm only called in when theres bookings. If no one comes to play any of the games, that means no work, and he doesn't have the money to call me in for managing the business with him, witch is completely understandable. Also its only a minimum wage job.

With that in mind, my savings are slowly draining away with getting on the bus, rent at home buying my own food and clothes. Sadly its not enough to keep me going and I'm worried of not having any money left after saving through the terrible jobs I've had in the past. I've basically chosen the path of “do what you love, even if it means not much money” over “More money but do what you hate” and I'm proud of myself for following my heart. I promised myself I'd try look after my mental health better and I'd never go back to a job that makes me feeling like I'd wanna kill myself.

I've been looking into other jobs I could take on while waiting for bookings for my main current job, just it's hard to find more jobs as I don't get many replies, and on top of that I'd like to avoid working somewhere depressing again. I know I might be over thinking here but I feel bad that I'm not really going anywhere in life, I know social media isn't a great example for influence, but seeing people in their early 20s with more money I'll ever make just makes me feel like I'm not doing anything great with my life and I'll never get a good paid job that I enjoy.

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