
The OBSCENE concentration of wealth we have today is a direct result of the competence and hard work of Middle Class professionals, like myself.

“Hey Mr. Billionaire, if you pay me well I can squeeze more work from your employee” “Give me a bonus and I will figure out a legal way for you to avoid paying taxes”. “Pay me a bundle and I will find ways to make congressman X vote for this law that benefits you even though ir screws his constituents.” We got the crumbs, they got all the meat, everyone else just watches.

“Hey Mr. Billionaire, if you pay me well I can squeeze more work from your employee” “Give me a bonus and I will figure out a legal way for you to avoid paying taxes”. “Pay me a bundle and I will find ways to make congressman X vote for this law that benefits you even though ir screws his constituents.” We got the crumbs, they got all the meat, everyone else just watches.

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