
Both Corporate and Retail are nightmares. ( Rant)

Recently left a corporate job where I faced an ever increasing workload, bullying my multiple levels of management, and finally a string of panic attacks after realizing I was being penalized for taking time off. I worked in retail previously and faced assaults by customers, armed robberies, and low pay and now am back in retail. I took the most recent job after months of unemployment hundreds of applications, several interviews running 2-3 rounds only to be ghosted. I’m now back in retail feeling the lost and depressed. My time isn’t valued and my labor and currently can barely buy a meal. I’m lost, sad, and don’t know what comes next. Still applying to jobs, but feels hopeless that I would find something with decent people and pays ok.

Recently left a corporate job where I faced an ever increasing workload, bullying my multiple levels of management, and finally a string of panic attacks after realizing I was being penalized for taking time off.

I worked in retail previously and faced assaults by customers, armed robberies, and low pay and now am back in retail.

I took the most recent job after months of unemployment hundreds of applications, several interviews running 2-3 rounds only to be ghosted.

I’m now back in retail feeling the lost and depressed. My time isn’t valued and my labor and currently can barely buy a meal. I’m lost, sad, and don’t know what comes next.

Still applying to jobs, but feels hopeless that I would find something with decent people and pays ok.

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