
I have a coworker who is constantly pulling weird little power plays on me

I have been in my job for well over a year at this point, but transferred to a new department about 3 months ago. I have a coworker who is in the same position as me but in a different office who I have to work with on a semi regular basis. We are unionized so everything is set at a certain level and there is absolutely no difference in our jobs. She's been working for our employer for much longer, but other than that we are doing exactly the same work. Also, I'm doing low level admin work. Nothing technically difficult. She's also a friendly woman, but I am getting a little exhausted with this one thing that keeps happening. She will send me emails asking me to do something, and when she does she will cc either my boss, or our bosses' boss (we are in the same…

I have been in my job for well over a year at this point, but transferred to a new department about 3 months ago. I have a coworker who is in the same position as me but in a different office who I have to work with on a semi regular basis. We are unionized so everything is set at a certain level and there is absolutely no difference in our jobs. She's been working for our employer for much longer, but other than that we are doing exactly the same work. Also, I'm doing low level admin work. Nothing technically difficult. She's also a friendly woman, but I am getting a little exhausted with this one thing that keeps happening.

She will send me emails asking me to do something, and when she does she will cc either my boss, or our bosses' boss (we are in the same department) and tell me all the steps to do my job. These are simple administrative tasks that I have done for over a year, and it feels extremely passive aggressive the way she does this.

I'm not really bothered by it – I receive excellent feedback from all of my colleagues and my boss, and as far as I see it this just looks weird and bad on her for all the unnecessary cc'ing. However, it is aggravating. She stopped doing it in person after I called her out on it (gently), but that was when the cc'ed emails started. So I am sure it is a weird little power play.

Anyways, I've resolved to just ignore it because this is her issue and not mine, but I just thought I would share my little annoyance. On a positive note, I've been too sick to be around people, but not feeling too sick to work and my boss let me work from home this week, which rocks! I've been coughing and sneezing in the safety of my own home and working in the fuzziest socks I own.

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