
My girlfriend got fired for dating me

We’re both 17f and i work in a deli department and she was in the bakery department of the same store. Management had no idea we were dating and just assumed we were friends. Well the other day she walked to work with me on her day off and kissed me by the entrance and the store manager saw it and fired her. She said that employees can’t date(we’ve been together nearly 4 years and lived together prior to both of us getting a job there). She was fired instead of me because my department is understaffed and I nearly quit on the spot. She was an amazing worker and we never kissed at work or let our relationship get in the way of productivity and it’s bullshit to fire her when it’s not even a new development like we met at work and then started dating. We’re both pissed…

We’re both 17f and i work in a deli department and she was in the bakery department of the same store. Management had no idea we were dating and just assumed we were friends. Well the other day she walked to work with me on her day off and kissed me by the entrance and the store manager saw it and fired her. She said that employees can’t date(we’ve been together nearly 4 years and lived together prior to both of us getting a job there). She was fired instead of me because my department is understaffed and I nearly quit on the spot. She was an amazing worker and we never kissed at work or let our relationship get in the way of productivity and it’s bullshit to fire her when it’s not even a new development like we met at work and then started dating.

We’re both pissed and I’m considering finding a new job.

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