
Protection against wrongful termination.

To provide some context, I've been working at a factory where I'm responsible for manufacturing parts. Over the past few days, I've made some mistakes that have cost the company both money and time. However, it's essential to note that my work undergoes a thorough review process by five different individuals. Given this, I believe it's unfair for me to shoulder all the blame for these errors, especially since I'm not infallible, and some mistakes are bound to occur. Recently, one of the five colleagues responsible for checking my work warned me that if these mistakes continue, I could lose my job. In response, I pointed out that if my work was incorrect, he had the opportunity to catch those errors during his review before proceeding. Instead, he seemed to blame me for not catching his oversight and referred to it as laziness on my part. I find this situation…

To provide some context, I've been working at a factory where I'm responsible for manufacturing parts. Over the past few days, I've made some mistakes that have cost the company both money and time. However, it's essential to note that my work undergoes a thorough review process by five different individuals. Given this, I believe it's unfair for me to shoulder all the blame for these errors, especially since I'm not infallible, and some mistakes are bound to occur.

Recently, one of the five colleagues responsible for checking my work warned me that if these mistakes continue, I could lose my job. In response, I pointed out that if my work was incorrect, he had the opportunity to catch those errors during his review before proceeding. Instead, he seemed to blame me for not catching his oversight and referred to it as laziness on my part. I find this situation quite challenging, as I don't appreciate the threat of being fired when the responsibility for quality control lies with multiple people.

So I would like to ask some questions:
is it really my fault that no one checks it before production?
Was it wrong to call out on his laziness?
How am I supposed to protect myself against wrongful termination?

I am in a bit of a shock writing this so if made come out as incoherent so I might do some edits.

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