
How are you supposed to make ends meet?!

Okay so as to not be homeless in the next 8-9 months.. Place I work now said part time is 28 hours a week, my average a week is 8 hours, two days a week highest has been 18 but that's cuz I was able to take someone's shift which isn't a common thing. The second place I juat did a interview with says their hours will be 4-12 a week… I didn't get to ask if that's Just for training and if they go up after that or not and it's something to ask in another interview but what the fuck man??? Full disclosure, trying to move into a condo that I'll get in inheritance, so I know I'm very lucky but I have to show for 6 months that on my own I can make up rent. It sucks my folks won't let my soon to be husband…

Okay so as to not be homeless in the next 8-9 months..

Place I work now said part time is 28 hours a week, my average a week is 8 hours, two days a week highest has been 18 but that's cuz I was able to take someone's shift which isn't a common thing.

The second place I juat did a interview with says their hours will be 4-12 a week… I didn't get to ask if that's Just for training and if they go up after that or not and it's something to ask in another interview but what the fuck man???

Full disclosure, trying to move into a condo that I'll get in inheritance, so I know I'm very lucky but I have to show for 6 months that on my own I can make up rent. It sucks my folks won't let my soon to be husband join in with helping cuz his job alone could pay the fucking rent!!

I'm just frustrated, frustrated with jobs that can't even promise a minimum of 15 hours a week on average yet claim they are giving you part time hours yet I feel like I'm a seasonal worker with no availability.

And frustrated at my own folks for not making things just a bit easier or understanding on how the job market is.

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