
I would rather be dead than live my life like this

And I don’t think I’m being over dramatic. What’s the fucking point in “life” if you’re just going to spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week working your ass off and still not being able to afford the bare basics of a good life? This is the only chance I get at life and I’m so fucking pissed off that this is it. I have been told “live everyday like it’s your last” for fucking ever. Who the hell would go to work if they were gonna die tomorrow. I’m so fucking sick of living in this endless groundhogs day loop. I’m just circling the drain. Every second spent at work I’m fuming over having my time wasted on this mundane bullshit. How can anyone look me in the eyes and tell me this is worthwhile? How can you tell me it’s going to get better when it’s…

And I don’t think I’m being over dramatic. What’s the fucking point in “life” if you’re just going to spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week working your ass off and still not being able to afford the bare basics of a good life? This is the only chance I get at life and I’m so fucking pissed off that this is it. I have been told “live everyday like it’s your last” for fucking ever. Who the hell would go to work if they were gonna die tomorrow. I’m so fucking sick of living in this endless groundhogs day loop. I’m just circling the drain. Every second spent at work I’m fuming over having my time wasted on this mundane bullshit. How can anyone look me in the eyes and tell me this is worthwhile? How can you tell me it’s going to get better when it’s obviously deteriorating in front of my eyes? If there were riots I’d join them at this point. I will never be happy with this shit. It’s been the same since school but at least at school I had some entertainment. At least i could get summers off. Now it just feels like I’m just stuck in this loop till I die. And for what? What am I actually working towards? My mentally health is at an all time low. I literally started screaming fuck this fucking shit at work earlier today. I can’t hide my resentment anymore. I tried smoking weed at work and that worked for awhile but I ended up even more exhausted at the end of the day and the days dragged. What is a person supposed to do if they can’t tolerate being part of this system? People say wage labor ain’t slavery because you can choose master. Bullshit. Capitalism is slavery with a facelift. I want to see it collapse before I die but I’ll probably end up killing myself shortly after my mother dies. I have motivation to stick around for this shit show. Anyway tldr what am I supposed to do? Go get a prescription for v Xanax so I won’t give a shit like so many others have done?

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